Welcome to the Decille Diary.

This blog is based on the Decille family's inner thoughts and demons. The Decille line was started in a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons and evolved from a meaningless character to a character, and eventual family of characters that I have grown very attached to.

This Blog will not win any awards for amazing writing, but I do hope anyone who reads, does enjoy some of the memories these characters will have. I will be updating a few times a week, because this blog idea has been very relaxing so far.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Art update 10

As always seems to be lately, we have more art of the lovely ladies, including a cameo!
I would also like to say that Saturday will have two very different written updates, so anyone getting sick of the art, there will be plenty of story coming very shortly.  As always though, click to see the wonderful works I have received on this fine day.

First off today we have a thin, chibi style brought to us by Meruu_Chan  She did this for essentially free and it turned out so good! Anette here is adorable.

Bard, Wine, bed or a combo?

Second today this was brought to my attention... Debby has once again struck, commissioning  The Gypsy Thief to make a picture of Lenna Morgraine Gorilla pressing Adelle Decille...  Not going to lie, I love this picture a lot, the expressions are hilarious, the idea is hilarious and as per usual Gypsy Thief way, the art is very solid and the colouring is outstanding and bold.  I have a feeling that Miss Gypsy Thief will be seen on this blog again.


Next on the docket is this nifty little work made by Kiaori Moon Warrior  Once again she comes up with a very cute Anette, this time with Anette getting a say on something. Lenna and Debby may say otherwise, however....  Believe it or not, this picture brought forth a DnD conversation about shenanigans with her xD

This next one is...amusing. Anette is from a setting where...French does not exist obviously, so her name is a little strange, but I didn't know that she had connections with the orient! apparently she did, as Presto Turn shows us, Anette can be creative when angry.

Anette got a Wiggly
Adelle get Wiggly too!
Joe from accounting makes wiggly =D

On one hand, Knight...other hand DANCING

This is too cute...may actually turn this into the logo for the blog site... I love this, I see nothing wrong with it at all. simple...adorable...perfection.  I will kindly point you towards the lovely and talented miss iiForgottenOrgasm Seriously...stunning.

She is so...cute

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