Welcome to the Decille Diary.

This blog is based on the Decille family's inner thoughts and demons. The Decille line was started in a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons and evolved from a meaningless character to a character, and eventual family of characters that I have grown very attached to.

This Blog will not win any awards for amazing writing, but I do hope anyone who reads, does enjoy some of the memories these characters will have. I will be updating a few times a week, because this blog idea has been very relaxing so far.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 20

 Entry #20

I am fairly familiar with magic...magical healing even, I grew up most of my life in a house with a holy man and his son who was being taught to be the same. Hell, I am traveling with a half elf who snores in her...not sleep. Anyway, the point I initially wanted to bring up was, no matter how many times you have been healed, either through medicinal or magical means, you are never prepared for what I just had to lay through.

The holy woman dropped by...she was not a nice person, let's be simple and to the point here. She is a cleric of Sumeis, the god of light, and she comes in here, wrenches my arm so she can help me...it hurt a lot. Then she made damned sure to make sure with Chris and I that all of the money we owed her was accounted for. Chris said yes and insisted numbers not be brought up, I have a sneaking suspicion we were duped. Well, regardless of all of that, I guess she did her job well enough, I can move my right arm again with no pain. NOW on to the ending of the thought I trailed off about...

I am familiar with magic, fairly familiar indeed. I would rather almost die in another mist of blood then EVER seeing or feeling a nasty wound heal ever again. I have been stabbed, bitten and Adelle once knocked me out cold by pushing me head first into a rock. Any of those removal's of flesh and blood feel infinitely more natural and not as unsettling as the reverse. A chunk of my arm that was missing just regrew today, I am thankful for the use of my arm back again, but I think I will be more careful from now on.

Feels great to be able to move fully again as well...feels even better to be fully clothed again.

Chris and Ganak were happy to see me feeling better and then they informed me where we were headed to at first sight of the sun. Chris was way too giddy, I am a little concerned again, but Ganak insisted it is nothing bad. Off to the mountain town of Straitview.


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