Welcome to the Decille Diary.

This blog is based on the Decille family's inner thoughts and demons. The Decille line was started in a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons and evolved from a meaningless character to a character, and eventual family of characters that I have grown very attached to.

This Blog will not win any awards for amazing writing, but I do hope anyone who reads, does enjoy some of the memories these characters will have. I will be updating a few times a week, because this blog idea has been very relaxing so far.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 21

Entry #21

I'm Free! I can walk around, I can wear my armour I can carry my mothers sword again! Though the orc hug was a bit painful but I am finally able to move freely. Walking was so great as silly as that is to say. We walked a ton though there wasn't much of a path for most of the day, had to traverse through a forest for a few hours, it was fun but my ankles are kind of hating me now. So great to be out and about again, even if I am repeating myself.

So here I am... Ganak is asleep and Christine is snoring away in her “not sleep”...she often swears she doesn't sleep...she does, like a rock. Regardless, I am fairly nervous about this, first night watch I have had since my shoulder was eviscerated. They gave me first watch so I won't be taking the middle of the night. Still it is a bit unnerving, but I have to get past fear Adelle and Clayrion would never respect a warrior with fear in her heart.

Unrelated note.... My hair is out of control right now. I haven't cut it in ages, letting it straight down it goes bast my backside, by quite a fair bit too. Maybe I should ask Chris to cut it back to mid back length? Hell, I love my hair, I will likely just put it in a pony tail or a bun or something until it gets impossible, I love my hair. Maybe I can braid it like Mother's hair for a little while.

Oh well, I will figure it out.

I have to stay up a bit longer, but I think I will finish this up for now.


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