Welcome to the Decille Diary.

This blog is based on the Decille family's inner thoughts and demons. The Decille line was started in a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons and evolved from a meaningless character to a character, and eventual family of characters that I have grown very attached to.

This Blog will not win any awards for amazing writing, but I do hope anyone who reads, does enjoy some of the memories these characters will have. I will be updating a few times a week, because this blog idea has been very relaxing so far.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Anette Decille scene 2 part 1

We approached the mountains...well perhaps just a path near mountains...whatever, I don't like it one bit. Mountains are something I do not like at all. As a kid when my father passed away, mother, Adelle and I had to scramble for our lives. I was four or five and my mother and Adelle sometimes had to carry me. One time they didn't carry me however was on a mountain road. We had been moving from sun up and it was mid day. I tripped, lost my balance and fell a good distance. I fell, I cried and was alone as mother came down and helped me. I remember I really hurt my knee and I couldn't walk for a few days until we actually got to our new home. Remembering back is doing nothing for me... we are a minute or two from the start of this trail and I am stressing my self out with something that brings back nightmares.

My knee's are beginning to tremble
My back starting to ache
My forehead is sweating bullets

“We are here” Christine said with a tone of utter glee as she skipped forward.
I couldn't help but ask Ganak “Why is she so happy?”
Ganak smiled and simply moved forward.

It is so sad...taking my first step onto this trail is worrying me so much.
“Okay 'Nette, one step and you will break this”
First step, the gravel beneath my boots shifts to avoid my weight as I breathe.
Second step, “This is all in my mind, I know this, but why is it so difficult?”
Third step, and Ganak is now looking back at me and starting to come back.

There was no fourth step, not immediately at least. I placed my hand over my eyes then over my mouth... I am so scared over nothing.

Ganak approached me
My eyes are pouring tears onto my cheeks

“What's wrong, Anette?”

I tried to tell him but all that would come out is raspy whispers, I tried again, barely getting the words out “I'm so scared” I have never sounded so shaky in my life...I feel so pathetic. Ganak nodded turned his back and motioned for me to piggyback.

I did so and he carried me walking forward. Fifteen minutes of this, feeling like a child we reached the gates of our destination. The mountain village of Straitview.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Sorry for the lack of updates

It has been a very emotional week, I went through the worst depressed period I have ever gone through this week.  I am working on another Narrative scene and not a Journal entry and it is about 50% done.  just a little update for anyone who drops by and reads.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 22

Entry #22

Okay, so last night went without a hitch, only action near the fire was a raccoon and her babies getting some rest and warmth. The mother raccoon didn't do anything, just rested near the heat and light of the fire. Anyway, today was interesting Never traveled through a forest for nine hours before. Fairly unnerving to be honest, walking all day surrounded by life, snakes, birds, deer, rabbits and bugbears....we had to kill about five bugbears in our way today. I did love being in combat again though, my shoulder held up perfectly.

Nothing really happened, walking and a ton of talking. Chris and Ganak asked me a ton. About Adelle they were wondering what she was like and why I look up to her so much. They wanted to know about my mother, why I left home and anything about my father.

I told them my sister was so dedicated to what she wanted to do, wanted to be like out father at any cost, how she left at sixteen, which was about twelve years ago now, I miss her so much. I look up to her because she was so dedicated as to leave at a young age, putting her body and mind at risk to train to be strong.

I told them a bit about mother, but I couldn't say too much. Bringing her up makes me feel so angry at myself, I left my own mother... Chris and Ganak both told me she has to be proud of me. They told me I was strong and that my mother has to be proud of her little girl who had no fear in a dire situation and saved the life of her friend...this brought some tears as I have Christine a hug, she helped me so much, Ganak too, these two have helped me so much in such a small amount of time.

Lastly, about my father, I told them everything I remember about my father, it hurts me so much that I can't remember much, he was killed when I was five, I just told them that he treated me like a princess and always told me that I was beautiful. The talking hurt me inside so much, but I found it was so much help after all was said and done, not to mention I got much closer with Chris and Ganak. We got out of the forest and we saw the walls of our destination for the night, or at least a rest spot. The mountains have been reached.


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 21

Entry #21

I'm Free! I can walk around, I can wear my armour I can carry my mothers sword again! Though the orc hug was a bit painful but I am finally able to move freely. Walking was so great as silly as that is to say. We walked a ton though there wasn't much of a path for most of the day, had to traverse through a forest for a few hours, it was fun but my ankles are kind of hating me now. So great to be out and about again, even if I am repeating myself.

So here I am... Ganak is asleep and Christine is snoring away in her “not sleep”...she often swears she doesn't sleep...she does, like a rock. Regardless, I am fairly nervous about this, first night watch I have had since my shoulder was eviscerated. They gave me first watch so I won't be taking the middle of the night. Still it is a bit unnerving, but I have to get past fear Adelle and Clayrion would never respect a warrior with fear in her heart.

Unrelated note.... My hair is out of control right now. I haven't cut it in ages, letting it straight down it goes bast my backside, by quite a fair bit too. Maybe I should ask Chris to cut it back to mid back length? Hell, I love my hair, I will likely just put it in a pony tail or a bun or something until it gets impossible, I love my hair. Maybe I can braid it like Mother's hair for a little while.

Oh well, I will figure it out.

I have to stay up a bit longer, but I think I will finish this up for now.


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 20

 Entry #20

I am fairly familiar with magic...magical healing even, I grew up most of my life in a house with a holy man and his son who was being taught to be the same. Hell, I am traveling with a half elf who snores in her...not sleep. Anyway, the point I initially wanted to bring up was, no matter how many times you have been healed, either through medicinal or magical means, you are never prepared for what I just had to lay through.

The holy woman dropped by...she was not a nice person, let's be simple and to the point here. She is a cleric of Sumeis, the god of light, and she comes in here, wrenches my arm so she can help me...it hurt a lot. Then she made damned sure to make sure with Chris and I that all of the money we owed her was accounted for. Chris said yes and insisted numbers not be brought up, I have a sneaking suspicion we were duped. Well, regardless of all of that, I guess she did her job well enough, I can move my right arm again with no pain. NOW on to the ending of the thought I trailed off about...

I am familiar with magic, fairly familiar indeed. I would rather almost die in another mist of blood then EVER seeing or feeling a nasty wound heal ever again. I have been stabbed, bitten and Adelle once knocked me out cold by pushing me head first into a rock. Any of those removal's of flesh and blood feel infinitely more natural and not as unsettling as the reverse. A chunk of my arm that was missing just regrew today, I am thankful for the use of my arm back again, but I think I will be more careful from now on.

Feels great to be able to move fully again as well...feels even better to be fully clothed again.

Chris and Ganak were happy to see me feeling better and then they informed me where we were headed to at first sight of the sun. Chris was way too giddy, I am a little concerned again, but Ganak insisted it is nothing bad. Off to the mountain town of Straitview.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mini art update

Quick little art update, and sorry for the wait on the entries, been kinda busy, I will have 2 more by sunday, worry not =D

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Monday, 12 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 19

Entry #19

Very slow day today except two things that made me glow red, get made fun of by Chris and overall cheer me up.

First, one that cheered me up a magic healer is coming into the village tomorrow mid day. She will apparently charge for her work, but at least I will be able to move. The cleric who first touched upon this wound did just enough for me to survive, she is coming back and wants money for a better fix, got to love people don't you? Holy woman putting money over the life of a fellow person. I may be a warrior who has taken the lives of many people already but that is just absurd. Sumeis for you I guess.

Anyway, the one I will not live down for a while was a bard...actually, the same bard who froze at the declaration of my name last we met. He said word travels fast when a scarlet headed beauty needs emergency medical attention. This made me blush, sad to admit but it only got more ridiculous as he kept on going.

He wanted to tell me how upset, he was that he humiliated me and himself in the tavern.
That every night while he dreamed he kept seeing my silhouette, and how we first met was a regret. He ended it off by mentioning how glad he was that I wasn't a brunette... He was very sweet, in a strange way, but sweet none the less. After all of this my face was almost as red as my hair...or at least Chris would have me think, not sure that is possible in all honesty.

After this performance which Christine promptly asked jokingly for a cigarette. She was joking but nobody in the room was amused by this jab, oddly except the bard, actually he jotted it down...

He left without telling us...or I guess me his name, all he said was that next we meet, he hopes it is on better terms, kissed my hand and left.

Did I mention I like bards? Because I really do.


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 18

Entry #18

I feel so useless... I am holding back Chris and Ganak in this small village until I am given the okay to start moving again and it is killing me. They just met me and now they are waiting on my injuries to heal up, they haven't complained at all but I still feel pretty bad. I am stubborn and not happy in the least, but I am not stupid though, I moved slightly today when the doctor was changing the wraps on my shoulder and it reopened the wound... I don't like this feeling. A feeling I do like though is when people I don't know saw the half orc carrying me to the doctor and checking in to see if I am okay, call me soft but their concern lights up my face like a flame.

So I can't leave here for a few days, two at the least but my arm will be in a sling for a while as long as I am not an idiot and try to use my right arm. Wish I knew a magical healer, I am not going to lie...well correction, I wish I was with one, Clayrion is somewhere.

Well, guess I will just have to grin and bear it moving forward, I can't go anywhere serious without use of my arm, hell I can't even wear my armor for a while, I guess Ganak and Chris will have to keep an eye on my safety for a little while as I am their skirt clad, one armed friend... kill me now, I need a hug...actually no, a hug could potentially kill me if unattended.

I was wrong yesterday, this injury isn't anything other than a pain.


Friday, 9 March 2012

Art update 14 the Mega update.

I have been putting it off for a few days, so today, we have a mega roundup of art of Anette, Adelle, Isabelle and perhaps even some higher powers. On a side note, somebody told me that I do so many of these updates because it is less work than the narrative. You sir or Madam are incorrect, I make sure to give everyone who draws one of these characters, from the newest of artists, to a seasoned professional the respect they deserve and the links so you can see what they do. These updates are much more work than the narrative, but still hard work coming in gets treated with hard work coming back.

Anyway, to see the art, just click the title.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 17

Entry #17

It has been like a week since they let me even hold my pen, I understand I am hurt but my left arm didn't sustain an injury. I wanted to write about the nonsense that happened as it was fresh in my mind and...well arm. I remember waking up on the way to this doctors residence, Ganak was carrying me, cradled like a sleeping child with Christine keeping pressure on my shoulder to keep the blood loss at bay. I felt only thankful for the brief moments I awoke, and I still feel nothing different. Guess it took needing help to realize it isn't such a bad thing. Glad I had these two with me, or I would surely had been judged by Decessus that morning. As for the fight...well I don't remember anything except for the wound inflicted by my own blade, it made my body go cold except on that cut... the wound with the blood immediately flowing out felt like it was on fire. Aside from that I really can't recall much, guess my actions were more instinctive than I thought if I can't even recall them.

Wow, writing in this book is very difficult with one hand. I keep having to adjust it every few words. I am just glad to be writing again, I doubt this will be the longest entry anyway. Long story short, nothing was stolen, three of the eight people who attacked us are still alive, not including Esperonza, the leader of the little band of violent misfits.


Also I finally have a battle scar of my own! Ganak is proud of some of his, my Father was very proud of one he obtained while saving Mother's life and now I have one down my right shoulder in my first and hopefully last, for at least a while near death experience. I almost died at the blade of my own sword, but I survived, won the fight and likely saved Chris's life, as well as my own. The doctor said it was bad so a cleric had to heal it up with some magic as normal medicine would simply not work. Regardless, arm in a sling and shoulder heavily taped up I defended my friend and myself successfully. Could be in perfect health, sure, but I can't help but smile ear to ear. Guess my frame did help out this time, nobody expected me to overpower anyone, oh well their mistake.

Anette, hopefully soon to be up and about, but Anette all the same.

Monday, 5 March 2012

What happens to Anette Decille #1

Diary entry didn't quite cut it for what happens today, so we go a little more traditional  (non edited as of now)

Read what happened an hour after Anette went to bed after her watch.

Art update 13

Working on something special for tonights update, but until then, let us see what we have in the decille folder for art shall we?

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Art update 12

More art today, and boy do we have some good stuff with the sisters and even Isabelle!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Art update 11

Blogger has been a problematic site for a couple days. I am back with a massive new shipment of  fantastic art.

Isabelle Decille Diary Entry #1

I have always felt like a diary was a silly thing to have or use for most of my life, when the girls were here I always had somebody to talk to but I just have so much time now. Clayrion and the girls are gone and I left the Des Malyce's to their own home finally. I was a burden, they were very nicre hosts for so long, and are lifetime friends to this family however I felt like a nuisance. They have open doors if I ever need help however, a very good thing to know.

Where to begin however...so much bottled up since Anette left not too long ago...maybe twenty days. Seeing her walking away, knowing full well she could never come back tore me apart, I wanted to grab her and not let go. She had it in her mind that she needed to do this, and as selfish as it may be so do I...I just miss my family. Pierre, Adelle and Anette are all away from me in one way or another.

My husband struck down protecting the lives of his wife and daughters by people who wanted the fame of killing his name. He would have been happier with no other death than protecting his family but I still miss him every day when I wake up and notice I am in a bed made for one.

My oldest daughter left at sixteen to undergo training to become a knight...she was certainly more like her father than she was I. Even at sixteen she was serious about it, not afraid and she praised the name of our family and all of the good it has been a part of. Sixteen years old and she happily left for training she knew was going to be excruciating on her body and mind...all because she wanted to make her father proud. When Adelle left, her and I were not on the best of terms...she hated me for wanting her to wait until a bit older. I hope she has gotten over that as she gained maturity. Wow, what was that now? Over ten years since I have seen my daughter, I miss her so much... it tears me up inside not knowing if she is safe...alive or even still mad at me. Who am I kidding with how big she is, how strong she is, I am fairly certain she is alive, that is one thing I suppose.

Lastly Anette...dear Anette, she surprised me. My clumsy, meek, easily frightened little girl went through quite a transformation into a beautiful, tenacious and fearless woman. Clayrion was like a big brother to her, she almost idolized the boy. We have different religious beliefs than his family, but while he was being trained, Anette always wanted to learn what he was doing. When Clayrion told her everything in perfect detail she didn't get much of it...I doubt any of it, but she loved being there...I doubt he minded the company either. Oh Anette, I hope nobody tells you about your family too soon... I couldn't bear it if my little Anette found out about all of this...lesser so, I couldn't handle if people hear her name try to kill her then and there... I know I should have told her, I should have warned her or gave her the option to leave for training like Adelle did. What would that accomplish though?

She trained and trained and got stronger and stronger after Clayrion left, she was broken, she was alone. Anette got so sad, she did nothing but lay in her now one person room, crying non stop for weeks after he left. She wouldn't eat, couldn't talk, just sleep and cry. She was very sick until she somewhere decided she wanted to train up...be strong like her big sister. I really don't know how either. One day she came out of her room asked me if I could maybe sew or buy her a light tunic. She didn't want to wear her dresses or skirts anymore, for a while anyway. Around the time she gained some muscle and strength she started to grow from a girl to a woman before my eyes. She wanted to be seen as strong but couldn't help but acting on her emotions, taking care of her looks and the like. Likely due to Adelle and the way she acted when she was about to begin training, she cut her hair short...very short and hated being called anything feminine. As far as she was concerned you referred to her as Adelle or Decille, except for Anette who got a pass with 'Delle. Adelle always said she wanted to be seen as a warrior, not a woman before she left...I guess seeing her like that made some sort of impact on Anette. Though Anette would never harm her hair, she loves it, and she faintly remembers how Pierre told her it was the most beautiful shade of red.

Look at me, all of these memories pouring back into my head all of a sudden, I knew this diary was a bad idea...though some make me smile. Oh well, I tried it and I feel at least a little better.

Isabelle Decille

Friday, 2 March 2012

Anette Decille Diary Entry 16

Entry #16

It is amazing how a little company can make traveling more fun and incredibly more safe and calming. Traveling alone requires me to always be aware of my surroundings, it has nobody to talk to, leaving me to my own thoughts which is not a very good thing. I have Christine and Ganak here to keep me company, more importantly safe. In fact, I am doing just that right now. I am not used to staying up for watch duty, but at least the fire gives off some good light, and if anyone is near, this dog will let everyone hear it...really easy job I guess.

Interesting to see how open these two can be with not just each other, but me as well. Walking along a trail today, off in my own little world, Christine stopped and I bumped into her. She noticed I was lost in thought and asked me if everything was okay. I thought about it, but as I did Ganak spoke up.

“You aren't still worried about being too feminine, for a warrior are you?”

as he did, Chris slowly turned her head and looked into my eyes, then promptly flicked my forehead with her finger.

“Why are you worried about such a thing? You're beautiful!” as she began to play with my hair. “Beautiful...you're not stupid and you can match strength with this big guy!” she seemed very concerned about me, she seemed like she and I were friends for a lifetime, not just six days. For the rest of the day of travel they talked me down as best they could. Some topics that they tried to put forth were how women tend to be more instinctive, in a pinch feminine wiles can be extraordinarily useful, nobody would expect somebody so cute to be a warrior so the element of surprise and a number of others... guess which one was suggested by Chris...

All day the two tried to help me and it did sink in how much of help it could be if anything. Though I did come out of today with an inflated ego about my looks...oh well, risk of the job I suppose.

Chris is waking up, I should finish up here, I need some sleep too. Elves don't sleep, but the human half of her sure can snore haha


Thursday, 1 March 2012

Art update 10

As always seems to be lately, we have more art of the lovely ladies, including a cameo!
I would also like to say that Saturday will have two very different written updates, so anyone getting sick of the art, there will be plenty of story coming very shortly.  As always though, click to see the wonderful works I have received on this fine day.