Welcome to the Decille Diary.

This blog is based on the Decille family's inner thoughts and demons. The Decille line was started in a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons and evolved from a meaningless character to a character, and eventual family of characters that I have grown very attached to.

This Blog will not win any awards for amazing writing, but I do hope anyone who reads, does enjoy some of the memories these characters will have. I will be updating a few times a week, because this blog idea has been very relaxing so far.

Monday, 3 September 2012

A family confrontation (Anette)

Her words struck deep. She knows how much that would get under my skin when we were growing up, so why would she greet me like that after thirteen years?

I barely recognize her. She has the same face under that helmet, but she is huge Adelle he has always been tall, but this is just scary. The silence is uneasy, with only slight movements making any sort of break from her gaze. My life up until this point has been about finding Adelle, and here she is raising her blade, preparing to strike me down in an instant. There is one side of me who wants to put down blades and catch up with my sister. However, the other side knows I could be killed at the first moment of approach. What can I do? Her sword is almost as big as I am, and she looks ready to use it. In fact she has just poised herself in preparation to strike.

She carries this sword, is outfitted in pristine armour, and she is glowing with class after so long. Yet no greeting to me...her sister, as she protects the life of somebody who has done wrong to this world many times. Is this what it means to be a Decille?

I raise my blade to my sister. I can't risk assuming she won't try to kill me. I simply can't make that mistake. She is now approaching, her eyes never looking away from mine. The hair over my eyes, sweat in my eyes and personal feelings don't exist at a time like this. Her expression changes from confidence to some form of confrontational as she began to speak, Her words meant a lot but not until I could afford emotion. Without assuring my voice, a monotonous return slipped from my lips.

“A Knight Decille would never abandon the person they vowed to protect”

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