We have a fair bit to cover today when it comes to One Anette Decille (Middle name pending)
Click to see.
First off we shall start with some silliness courtesy of
Joe from accounting Not only does his name bring forth a smile, his little work of Decille is also quite amusing. Surely not for everyone, but I really find this very amusing.
Click for Anette's happy dance! |
Next, we have a very nice piece of Anette, showing the more feminine side of her, even while in her armour. While that hasn't happened yet, in story, it very well could and if it does, and it looks anything like this in your head while you read it I will feel accomplished as a writer.
This amazing piece was made by the very nice
Nekolina tenchi Who I most certainly will be going back to, Likely for a rendition of Adelle.
That look tells me she found the right bard. |
Next, we have an interesting and very nice take courtesy of Taeunni who can be found here Her style is very cool and I like this take on Anette. Looks like she has been forced to fight in a Corset or something similar, which is different. Also that Wink made me melt when I first saw it.
Not too bad for a tiny girl now, is she? |
Fourth on the run today is this take on Anette by UrshyZ with a very nice look, based around the flat colours and overall a refreshing simplicity. I really love how the artist took her own route with her attire, I also am quite a fan of how her hair/band turned out as well. Not to mention that her eyes just pop out, absolutely fantastic. UrshyZ's commision shop can be found on Gaia online Here, and her Gallery of work can be found on Deviantart as well.
Though somehow I want to buy insurance from her. |
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